Posts by Ruhel Ali

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Update… September 2024

For the last year or so we’ve been in planning hell. But we’re close to closing that chapter and starting a new one. The new chapter is all about mobilisation. We’ve[…]

Mastering Indoor Cricket at Playbox: Essential Warm-Up Exercises

Indoor cricket demands agility, precision, and rapid responses, making a thorough warm-up routine indispensable for players aiming to perform at their peak. The controlled environment may shelter players from the outdoor[…]

The Appeal of Indoor Cricket in Cold Northern Climates

As winter tightens its grip in Finland, the notion of playing cricket outdoors becomes less appealing, given the harsh cold dark conditions. However, an alternative exists that not only accommodates the[…]

Cricket vs. Indoor Cricket: A Rundown of the Key Differences

Today, we’re going to take you into the world of cricket and its little brother, indoor cricket. Grab a comfy seat, maybe a cup of tea, and let’s talk about what[…]