Time really does fly! After all the action of September we’ve progresses leaps and bounds. The playbox is coming together nicely. We’ve demolished the entrance space to allow visitors to really experience the space in its full glory. Blocked off walls and storage units have been deconstructed. The walls in the upstairs room have been removed allowing visitors to see across the whole of the hall as we had intended (with temporary bannisters to keep everyone safe!). Floors have been levelled (with more than 45 tonnes of concrete and some very hard grafting from the team). The previous light racking has been removed to allow the placement of the new flood lights which will be hung from the rafters. We also got our roof nets delivered, a huge step to getting the centre open.
Keep an eye out for updates later this month. We will be posting more on social media shortly as we ramp up our opening and marketing campaigns.
If you’re a member of a club, we’re already starting to take early bird bookings so don’t miss out. Early bird offers will be limited in numbers.
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